How to make your uni accommodation a home

A few tricks to transform your space into a home

Essential advice

Electrical safety

Tips for new Desis moving to London

Including locations to find all your favourite Indian snacks

How to get a National Insurance Number in the UK

The UK version of a social security number

My 6 top tips for living in Halls

Planning on living in halls next year?

Get paid with Arts Temps!

Are you registered with UAL Arts Temps?

Let's talk about student insurance...

All of our UAL halls are covered by Howden

How to get proof of address and landlord reference

All your information available any time! 🙌🏼

How to rent your own place

Living outside UAL halls is different

Finding your feet webinar

Get to know UAL Student Services and the support they offer

Queer book recommendations

Hi, my name is Ani and I'm a first year student at LCF

Breaking stereotypes: Being aroace

Hello! My name is Ani and I’m in my first year of studying

Why I stayed in halls for 3 years

One of the best decisions I ever made

How living in halls gave me more independence

Zainab lived at The Costume Store for two years

How to get proof of address and landlord reference

All your information available any time! 🙌🏼

Using Airfryers in Halls

Appliances can pose a safety risk if used incorrectly

British slang translated

I'm still getting used to it, if I'm being honest with you🫣

How to join sports and societies at UAL

Our SU offers a wide variety of things to try 🙌🏼

5 jobs that fit around studying

Different types of student-friendly jobs to choose from

Why we loved working in Halls

Thinking of applying to be a Hall Committee member?

5 tops tips for living in a studio flat

If you like your own personal space and independence...

5 reasons why I came out at UAL

London is a vibrant city that is home to many LGBT+ people

How I made my best friends in halls

How Halls Life led me to make some of my closest friends

Inventory and charges....

If these walls could talk

Benefits of having a job at uni

Uni can be a lot of work...

5 reasons I worked in Halls

Reflecting on my first year in halls

Why my second language was a perk when working

When working in Halls, you find students from all over!

My top tips for staying motivated with university

Things I try to remember when I’m feeling deflated with uni

Creating a good vibe in your flats

It’s the little things in life that keep us smiling

10 top tips for staying on top of your uni work

Top tips for staying organised and prepared for uni work

6 top tips to help you study smarter not harder

Some tricks and cheats to produce more work in less time

5 things to get you ready before moving country

Things that people won’t tell you about moving countries

5 things I learnt working with Halls Life

There are some jobs where you don’t learn too much...

Your guide to a successful house share

The last thing you want is an uncomfortable living situation

An artist's checklist: look after your hall

All residents that live in halls are creative in some way🎨

Your guide to a successful house share

Check out them chatting about their experience

Byron's first month at UAL

Byron moved into the Costume Store one month ago!

Tenant Fees Act 2019

Does it apply to me?

Tenant Fees Act 2019

Does it apply to me?

6 top brainfood tips for deadlines

To help you maintain your optimum, focused self! 💪🏼

Top 5 things to help you meet deadlines

Balancing a social and working lifestyle can be overwhelming

Using Rice Cookers in Halls

We allow the use of them in some of our halls

5 tips on how to save money whilst studying

Saving cash can feel like holding water in your hands

Solving the 5 stresses of student life

Who said being a student was easy? 😖

My internship experience

As part of my BA I was required to do a full-time internship

Being aware of culture shock

Do not worry - this is quite normal!

8 things different about life in the UK vs China

Living in the UK is very different to my life in China! 🇨🇳

Get the UAL APP

The UAL student app allows you to access everything you need

Living communally

Flat mates are often best mates...