Coffee and chat initiative

Looking to meet fellow students just like you?

Dealing with homesickness

Your essential guide

UAL Safety, Health & Wellbeing Policy Statement

UAL is dedicated to looking after you safety and wellbeing

Vaccination advice for students

Make sure you're up to date with your vaccinations

Be safe and savvy in halls

Moving to a big city can be daunting

Socialising safely

Socialising is a big part of the student experience

Healthcare for Archwood House

Here are your nearest practices

5 things to get you ready before moving country

How to prepare for your new life in halls

Healthcare for Portland House

Here are your nearest practices

Top tips on mentally preparing for university

First of all… CONGRATULATIONS! 🤩

My last summer before UAL

How the prepare for halls while still enjoying the holidays!

Healthcare for Gardens House

Here are your nearest practices

Get your meningitis jab!

Protect against meningitis

Healthcare for Wigram House

Here are your nearest practices

How my mental health influenced my creativity

Mental Health. We all have it. Let’s talk about it.

I was diagnosed with depression

It can and will always get better.

How I manage my mental health

Useful tips on how to create a more mindful life

Being aware of culture shock

The impact of moving away