5 tops tips for living in a studio flat

Posted 2 years ago

If you like your own personal space and independence...

... Then living in a studio flat is a fantastic option for you. 

There will be no queueing at the hobs to cook your dinner and you won't have noisy flatmates waking you up in the middle of the night. However, we know that some elements of living alone may be daunting. 

So, to help you get settled in, here are our top tips for living in a studio flat! 

1. Be responsible for your own mess 🧹

One massive benefit of living in a studio flat is that you don’t need to deal with anyone else’s mess. On the flip side, you'll need to be responsible for clearing up after yourself. You won't have anyone hassling you to tidy and there will be no rota. Getting into a good habit of being clean and tidy early on will set you up well for the year ahead. Check out these cleaning tips

SpongeBob cleaning gif

2. Learn some basic cooking skills before you arrive 🍳

Unlike shared accommodation, you won’t be able to rely on your flatmates to help you cook. Don’t worry though, because mastering the basics isn’t hard. Our simple student recipes are a great place to start! 

3. Don't be shy- introduce yourself to your neighbours 👋🏼

Just because you are in a studio flat doesn’t mean your social life has to suffer. Why not introduce yourself to your new neighbours? Remember that everyone is in the same position! 

4. Make sure you use the common room spaces 🛋

Remember that you can always leave your room and spend some time in the common room areas in your halls. These areas are a great space where you can relax and socialise with other people in your building. 

5. Get involved in the Halls Life events 🎉

Halls Life runs events held in your hall. These include fun trips and activities throughout the term that you can get involved in. These events are a great opportunity to try something new and meet some other students, and most are free. 

We hope that you love all the benefits that come with living in a studio flat. 

Remember, if you are feeling lonely the student Committee members in your halls are there to support you! These students will run events throughout the term to help support your wellbeing while at halls. They are identifiable by their Halls Life t-shirts and will always be happy to chat!