Benefits of having a job at uni

Posted 3 years ago

Uni can be a lot of work...

... And the idea of adding to that work may seem counter intuitive, but believe it or not there are plenty of reasons why having a job whilst your studying can benefit you; here’s just 5 to start you off..

1) We should get the obvious one out the way first…

Let’s face it, London life can be expensive and securing that monthly bag could open up loads of doors for you. Whether it takes some much-needed pressure off your finances (and yourself), or enabling you the ability to ‘treat yo self.’ 

Oh and you might even bag yourself some ‘work-perks’ & discounts along the way. 😏

2) Work friends!

Colleagues can actually become really fulfilling friends. You go through a lot together sometimes and are guaranteed to have stuff in common. Whether it be the much anticipated ‘works drinks’ or even just moaning to your fav co-worker about a customer, having a life outside of Uni gives you independence and a place where you can take your mind uni stress.

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3) Helping your time management

Adding a new commitment to your life is going to influence the economy of your time. Having to balance your priorities teaches effective time management and will benefit both your studies and career life after university.

4) Experience

Working teaches you lots of soft skills that you won’t even realise you’re improving. Skills such as thinking on your feet, leadership or even dealing with difficult people -having a part-time job can be a huge confidence booster. ALSO we all know the classic circular problem of: 

And it’s a much better idea to tackle this before you graduate, even if it’s not exactly your ‘dream job’ first time you will be developing skills towards your future goals.

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5) It’s good for your wellbeing

Variety really is the spice of life. Routine is really helpful for a feeling of fulfilment not to mention a feeling of accomplishment for a job well done. Who knows you may even love your job (like I do.) ❤️️  It might become an important component of your life.

Word to the wise: make sure you are sensible with your hours and communicate well with your management from the offset that you’re a student, if you’re juggling too many plates you may well end up dropping one. Rumour has it that bosses don’t actually have to be horrible to you and the better your communication the more likely it is that you’ll have a good work-life balance.          

If you are thinking HEY! Maybe a job is for me, check out the Halls Life. They hire student Halls Committee members before the start of each year and applications open in May with Arts Temps