Top 5 things to help you meet deadlines

Posted 5 years ago

Balancing a social and working lifestyle can be overwhelming

During term time deadlines, lessons and coursework as well balancing a social and working lifestyle can become overwhelming.  

*This article was brought to you by Harriet, one of our previous Wellbeing Reps* 

Here are 5 top tips to stay on track during deadlines. 

🗓️ Create a timetable to meet your deadlines. Include time frames and a list of tasks that you need to complete on the overall objective of your assignment. 

🧘🏼‍♀️ Try mindfulness exercises and yoga to reduce stress levels. Also remember the benefits of living in the present moment. Try out regulated breathing and practice getting in a better mind frame to concentrate on your deadlines.

💪 Exercising and hobbies are an important part of a balanced social and academic life. Finding things that you enjoy and can help take your mind off work is extremely important. 

These hobbies might be different for everyone, but they can be anything from going to the gym to reading or drawing. Finding what works for you is important in achieving that work-life balance.  

🤝 Having a strong professional relationship with your tutors helps when needing information, feedback, and improvement suggestions about your project. 

It will support you and your work towards effectively completing your deadline and will allow you to show them drafts beforehand. It will also enable you to organise, structure and produce good quality work. 

⏱️ Giving yourself a set of milestones, is important. You can do this by taking breaks at intervals that match when you meet a goal. 

Give yourself incentives you can work towards. These could be concerts, parties, exhibition visits, pamper evenings, trips, or simply a snack. 

If you want to speak to a Hall Committee member about any of the points in the article email and quote your hall in the subject line.