My internship experience

Posted 6 years ago

As part of my BA I was required to do a full-time internship

This turned out to be one of the most invaluable learning experiences I have had during my education, which provided me with an insight into what working in industry will be like after graduation.

I chose to do my industry placement at The London Embroidery Studio; a small company that creates bespoke embroidery designs, samples and final products that work on a commission basis.

Initially I questioned if I needed a major company brand on my CV in order to gain enough experience or to get a job in my specialism when I graduate. However through doing this internship I have realised that small, yet successful brands can offer possibly the best experience for you to gain from.

Through working with such a small design team, I have been able to learn from the embroidery specialists in a close, intimate environment. Which pushed my design skills and gave me experience in being a part of all aspects of the company; from meeting clients to final production. I was able to gain the managers’ trust and was therefore given more responsibility quicker.I have worked on a range of textiles, from London Fashion Week pieces to fine art projects, thus giving me a wide knowledge of different aspects of the industry. 

From working in such a skilled and specialised team I have learned more about embroidery and the fashion industry, than I personally believe I would have in a large company.

Whilst your course will give you all the core skills you need to specialise in your chosen field, I think many would agree that the right internship could teach you everything that will set you apart from other graduates.

Choosing the right internship for your course is important, but my number one tip is to choose an internship where you won’t just be a runner; find a company that will value your help and skills as much as you will value the experience.

Work and images by Lucy Eulalia Wilcock.