Queer Peers podcast shares useful LGBTQ+ services

Posted 5 months ago

Episode discusses LGBTQ+ services with mental health advisor

Are you trying to find out more information about the types of services UAL provides for queer students throughout the year? Well, you won't want to miss our next episode of Queer Peers! 👀

In this month's episode, Marco Bodi sits down with Pete Scalpello (they/them) who works as a Mental Health Adviser in Counselling and Student Health services at UAL.

Pete gives us an insight into what student services are on offer at UAL for queer students throughout the year, from where to find them to the best contact details. Plus, they also share some recommended external services around sexual health, gender identity, transitioning, counselling and much more in this very informative podcast (see links below).

Marco and Pete finish the episode by sharing some top tips for queer students moving to London and how they can best prepare for life at UAL.

Listen to the podcast now to get to know Pete and the services UAL provides for queer students. 🎧🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🫶🏽

Further Information

All views of the podcast are of that of the individual and may not be representative of everyone's experiences, we aim to support all students and want to improve all students experiences where we can, this is the reason for the podcast.

We look forward to bringing this podcast to your ears every month to share and celebrate different voices from within our LGBTQ+ community. 🗣️

If you are an LGBTQ+ student or ally at UAL and want to get involved with the podcast or have a story you wish to share that could support students and colleagues, please get in touch through our Queer Peers Interest Form. We can't wait to hear from you! ✍🏽   

If you would like further support after listening to the podcast, please do reach out to one of the following services:

This podcast will promote freedom of speech but there will be no room for hate. We respect everyone’s journey is individual to them. This is about listening, understanding, and widening knowledge of the LGBTQ+ community and sensitive themes and topics centred around this in a safe setting. We want to create a space where everyone can live their authentic self at UAL without fear of judgement.

Want to know more about Halls Life? Get in touch: 

E: hallslife@arts.ac.uk

T: +44 (0)20 4586 3219

Instagram: UAL_HallsLife

Image credits: Orlando Callegaro