Vaccination advice for students

Posted 1 year ago

Make sure you're up to date with your vaccinations

Meningitis, MMR, and HPV

Students should get up to date with 3 vaccines: Men ACWY (meningitis), MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and, for some students, HPV, before the start of the new term

First year or returning students can be at increased risk of serious diseases such as meningitis, septicaemia and measles as they mix with large numbers of other students from around the country and overseas.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and meningitis charities are urging parents and students to ensure they are protected before the term begins as many of these illnesses arise at the start of the academic year.

The three vaccines students should get up to date with are:

  1. MenACWY – protecting against 4 common strains causing meningitis and septicaemia
  2. MMR – protecting against measles, mumps, rubella
  3. HPV – protecting against cervical and other cancers caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) together with genital warts.

COVD-19 vaccinations

Vaccinations are now available in the UK for adults and children aged 5 years or older. UAL encourages all our staff and students to be vaccinated. Vaccinations are being offered free of charge at local sites run by GPs, community pharmacies, larger vaccination centres, walk-in sites and in some hospitals.

Booster vaccinations are also available for everyone over the age of 16.

All students, regardless of their nationality or immigration status, are eligible to be vaccinated. 

In this article, we've put together a list of all the nearest COVID-19 vaccination centres that are close to our halls.

Monkeypox vaccinations

A smallpox (Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA)) vaccination* is being offered to people who are most at risk right now to help protect them against monkeypox.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) currently recommends that MVA is offered to:

  • healthcare workers who are caring for and who are due to start caring for a patient with confirmed monkeypox (2 doses are normally required). This includes some staff in sexual health clinics who are assessing any suspected cases
  • gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) at highest risk of exposure. Your doctor or nurse will advise vaccination for you if they consider you are at high risk – for example if you have multiple partners, participate in group sex or attend ‘sex on premises’ venues. Staff who work in such premises may also be eligible
  • people who have already had close contact with a patient with confirmed monkeypox. Vaccination with a single dose of vaccine should be offered as soon as possible (ideally within 4 days of contact but sometimes maybe given up to 14 days

Because of the limited supply, only one dose of vaccine will be offered now to as many eligible people as possible. It is important to come forward for your first dose as soon as you are invited.

Register with a GP

Anyone who is unsure about their vaccine status can check with their GP practice to see if they are up to date and fully protected. Ideally, students should have any vaccines they have missed at least 2 weeks before leaving for university. If that’s not possible, they should arrange to have any missed vaccines as soon as possible with their current GP or their new GP practice if they are moving to a new university. 

If you need to sign up to a GP, our handy Halls Life article tells you which surgeries to register with in your local area.

Remember, your Halls' team are always here to help if you have any questions about registering at a GP surgery, or anything else related to your life in halls. You can find their contact details here.