In case of an emergency...

Posted 4 years ago

Who to contact


Please let the Residence team know about any accident or injury in your hall immediately. In an emergency, residents can summon the Emergency Services (i.e. Fire, Police, Ambulance) by dialling 999 themselves. It is also useful to report any incidents that happen near the site e.g. street crime. 


In an emergency please contact a member of staff at reception or by calling the site mobile phone, this number should be displayed clearly at reception.  If you need to call the police, ambulance or fire service please dial 999 or 112 on any phone but please let staff know to expect them and allow access to the building.

If you are experiencing personal difficulties and need to talk to someone confidentially, please call The Samaritans on 116 123 or at or Nightline on 020 7631 0101 or at If you would prefer to text you can contact Shout by texting 85258.

We ask that all residents report any suspicious activity/property/packages to the Residence Manager or a member of Hall staff immediately.

Please see out of hours contact numbers in your PDF Welcome guide.


In emergency dial 999 or 112 for immediate assistance.

To report a crime, you can now also do so online at


Fire extinguishers and fire blankets are available at various points throughout the site and in all kitchens. Only use these in case of an emergency. If you should discover a fire, then your first priority is to sound the alarm, evacuate the building, go to the fire assembly point and dial 999 for the fire brigade. Do not attempt to tackle the fire.

Make sure you are very clear about where your fire assembly point is outside your Hall. 

If you discover a fire

  • Evacuate the building and go to the fire evacuation assembly point (make sure you are aware where this is).
  • If you pass an alarm activation point as you leave the building then activate the alarm.
  • Dial 999 and request the Fire Brigade to attend and alert a member of site staff immediately.
  • Do not re-enter the building until a member of the site team or the fire brigade says it is safe to do so.

Fire Prevention

There are fire extinguishers as well as heat and smoke detectors throughout the accommodation and in all kitchens. Read the fire evacuation plan on the back of the door to your flat. You should also familiarise yourself with the locations of all emergency exits, fire extinguishers, fire blankets and fire alarm break glasses.

The action you can take to prevent fire:

  • Never use portable heaters, deep fat fryers, candles, incense, oil burners, or anything with an exposed flame or heating element.
  • Do not smoke in the building.
  • Don’t overload electrical outlets. Do not use cube adaptors or place electric cords under rugs.
  • The electrical supply in the UK is 230W please do not exceed this wattage.
  • Take care to switch off the oven and hob plates after cooking.

Preventing false alarms

  • Don’t leave food unattended when it’s warming or cooking.
  • Provide adequate ventilation before you start cooking by switching the extractor fan on and, if possible, opening the window.
  • Keep the oven, hob plates and toaster clean and free of grease or crumbs. – Don’t spray aerosols or liquids near the smoke detectors.

Interfering or tampering with fire prevention or fire safety equipment is a criminal offence and we will consider referring such matters to the police. We will also take disciplinary action and treat the matter as a serious breach of your tenancy agreement which may lead to that agreement being terminated.

First Aid

We do not provide first aid products to residents. We recommend you bring your own first aid kit with you to halls. In an emergency please call 999 but also let site staff know to expect the emergency services by the site mobile phone. This number should be displayed clearly at reception. 

If you have a non-urgent medical issue you can call 111 to get through to the NHS helpline.


If you have symptoms, get a free test as soon as possible. You need to get the test done in the first 5 days of having symptoms.

If you are getting a test because you have symptoms, you and you flatmates must self-isolate until you get the result. 

You can find out more guidance by visiting the Coronavirus page on the NHS website.