Your survival guide to cooking in a shared kitchen

Posted 1 week ago

Happy kitchen, happy flat

The move from home to university is full of firsts, including having to cook. Throw in the wild card of doing this with your brand-new flatmates and you've got a recipe for a good time - if you follow these 6 handy tips! 

Communication is key

Sharing a space can come with a lot of tension, which is why communication and consideration of others is essential.

Talking about your routines and expectations of the flat together can help you get to know one another and establish some basic house rules quickly. Ask each other questions like: 'How often do you cook? What does a clean kitchen look like to you?' 

Feeling comfortable to share opinions and thoughts in your flat can help nip problems in the bud quickly, which is why it's important to be open from day one. 

Sharing is caring

Share shelves

This goes for cupboards, the fridge and freezer. As a shared space, it only makes sense to share the storage equally. 

Unless you...

Share the food shop

There's no reason you're going to need several dozen eggs in the fridge and 5 jars of every single spice in the cupboard. Cut costs by sharing the items that everyone uses every day like milk, butter, salt etc. 

Not only does this give you all an incentive to cook together but also cuts down unnecessary food waste. Check out our first flat meal idea. 

Share kitchen equipment

You don't want to overflow what storage space you have with cutlery and saucepans. Between you and your flatmates, decide what gaps need filling in when you get there.

Although it can be tempting to get absolutely everything, avoid buying everything straight away so you can save some pennies. Split the cost instead and keep track of new purchases so you can settle up when people move out and want to take certain items with them. 

Cleaning is considerate

You are responsible for your own mess. Cleaning as you go is a great way to keep on top of it and avoid any flat drama (yes - this does include cleaning your dishes after you eat, or at least at the end of the day). 

This is a good topic to talk about when discussing all of your expectations. It seems only fair that if someone cooks for the group, everyone else should take responsibility for the post-meal cleanup. 

Quality time is essential

We know how busy university can get but don't let that stop you from getting to know each other and making time for a sit down meal. Schedule some time one night each week to cook together and make it a tradition.

This is a great way to get to know each other's cultures and home comforts - you never know you might find your new favourite dish! 

Stuck for things to cook? Why not try out first flat meal recipe using the ingredients in your welcome pack 🍝

You can find lots of inspiration on what to cook as a flat by trying out the dishes in our canteens and cafés - check out our weekly menus to see what's on this week. 


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