Vegetable tart

Posted 3 months ago

Vegetarian recipe from our student Lois 🥕

A budget-friendly recipe perfect for meal prep and using up your leftover vegetables.

Serves: 6


  • Roll-out pastry (store-bought)
  • Any vegetables you have in the fridge
  • Sauce base (pesto, tomato paste, chutney)


  1. Chop your veggies into small, even chunks (for example, courgettes, peppers, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes). Drizzle with oil and season with your favourite seasonings - I usually go for paprika, mixed herbs, chilli flakes, salt and pepper. Roast in the oven until they've charred on the edges/have a nice colour. 
  2. Meanwhile, unroll the pastry and score a border around the edge. Brush with egg, milk or oil and cook the pastry like this until it starts to gain some colour to prevent a soggy bottom. 
  3. Once partially cooked, top the pastry with a sauce of your choice, such as pesto, chutney, tomato paste etc. Then top with the roasted veg and return to the oven until the pastry has browned. You could also top with some cheese (I usually go for feta) and/or sliced cherry tomatoes. 
  4. Serve with roast potatoes, chips, broccoli, salad - anything you like! 

This recipe is great as it will make 6 servings of tart and the left overs can be boxed up and eaten throughout the next few days. Use whatever ingredients you may already have that need eating up to keep it super cheap!


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