This could be you at East Bank after dark

Posted 8 months ago

Picture this...

You've had your morning coffee from Level 10 café, been to your AM lectures and are looking forward to grabbing a fresh lunch from the chefs. You settle into your seat, leisurely tucking in, occasionally glancing out of the window at the stunning London views. 

a group of people sitting at a table in a restaurant

You head back to university, smashing through your work. Packing up for the day, you think it would be nice to treat yourself after all that hard work.

As the darkness begins to roll in, you step back into the canteen to see...

a group of people in a room

Your peer colleagues in every corner. Chatter and laughter bounce off the walls as you walk to the sofa with your mates. You catch up on your day, discuss weekend plans and make new memories - the kind of memories you reminisce about in 20 years time and remember how good it really was to be a student. 

a person sitting in a chair talking on a cell phone

The smell of freshly made pizza makes your mouth water. What better way to enjoy a slice than with a cheeky cocktail?

From London College of Fashion specialty beer to the signature East Bank Breeze cosmo, you sip your drinks as your fingertips pick up pizza dusting. The world seems to fade away as you, in the moment, focus solely on the atmosphere of your friends unwinding. 

With your cravings satisfied and drink in hand, you head out onto the terrace. The background noise becomes muted as the door shuts behind you, the rustle of wind brushing past your hair eases the tension in your shoulders as you take another sip...

a person standing in front of a sunset

And watch the sunset over London skyline 🌇

Find out more about all of the evening activities you can enjoy at East Bank after 5! 


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