Food shop hacks for savvy students
Posted 5 months ago
Fri 16 Aug, 2024 12:08 PM
Shop smart and save big
It's so easy to go over budget on your food shop, picking up snacks left, right and centre. Groceries can be one of the biggest monthly expenses, but with a bit of planning there's no reason why you can't cut your supermarket spending in half.
Here are some handy hacks that should help you cut down costs while making sure you're still getting everything you need.
Before you walk the aisles
- Check what you already have - make a list of things you already have in the cupboards, fridge and freezer, these ingredients or leftovers can be incorporated into your meals.
- Make a meal plan - what are some recipes you enjoy and know how to cook? What meals make good meal prep? Do they use the same ingredients? Once you have your meals planned for the week, you'll know exactly what you need - and won't need - to buy. If you don't know where to start, read our guide here.
- Stick to your budget - work out how much you can realistically spend every time you shop and how long it will last you and work your meals around this. Of course, it's not a crime if you want to pick up a few treats that are on offer or a couple of yellow sticker bargains.
- Choose the right shop - some supermarkets can be cheaper than others, even if they're not your favourite. Click here to see which ones are closest to you and choose your go-to supermarket wisely.
- Join a loyalty scheme - once you have decided where to go, research if they have a loyalty scheme or card available for regular offers and discounts like Sainsbury's Nectar Card or Tesco's Clubcard.
- Take bags - plastic bag charges can quickly tot up and aren't great for the planet (especially if you buy them every time you shop), bring your own to save some pennies.
- Don't shop hungry - this may sound weird, but it's so true. Shopping hungry can tempt you to buy unnecessary snacks and goodies so have a bite to eat before you go.
Whilst you shop
- Head to the reduced section first - if you spot something you need you can tick it off your list and you've already saved some money.
- Then head to the freezers - frozen alternatives can be significantly cheaper than buying fresh. Here you can find essentials like veggies and meats, plus they'll last a lot longer at home.
- Get your calculator out - what's the point in having a budget and not keeping track as you shop? You don't want to get to the checkout and realise you've almost doubled your spending goal!
- Look down - most grocery shops put products in your eye level that they want you to buy (usually the most expensive). Crouch down and look at the bottom shelf, here you can find cheaper brands that are just as good.
- Don't forget to use your loyalty card - sometimes you just want to get in and out as quick as possible so it can be easy to forget to scan your loyalty cards. If you pay using your phone, add it to your digital wallet or if you get your wallet out, put the physical cards at the front.
- Check if you can get student discount - for example, with TOTUM you can get cashback when you shop at selected supermarkets. Or if you prefer online shopping, on UniDays you can get £10 off your first grocery shop when using Uber Eats.
When you get home
- Don't throw out last week's food - check the best before dates of your previous shop and freeze items you can to avoid food waste and incorporate them into your planned meals.
- Adjust your meal plan - you may have picked up some yellow-sticker items on your shop that will be going out of date quicker, meaning you'll have to make meals with those ingredients first.
- Start meal prepping - take it one step further by prepping all of the ingredients you need for your chosen meals (chopping, peeling, roasting etc.), batch cook to freeze or refrigerate to use during the week or make individual portions of meals in containers so you can grab and go.
Happy shopping!
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