Healthcare for The Glassyard Building

Posted 4 years ago

Here are your nearest practices

It is extremely important for you to register with a local doctor, (GP), as soon as you arrive. Do not wait until you are unwell as it may not be possible to be seen immediately if you are not registered. The nearest doctor’s surgery is at the address below, and sign-up forms are available at the reception:

  • Stockwell Group Practice, 107 Stockwell Road, 
  • Map

Appointments: +44 (0)20 7274 3223

General Enquiries: +44 (0)20 7274 3225

Out of Hours: +44 (0)20 8693 9066

All students are advised to have the Meningitis C vaccination. Ask the practice nurse at your surgery. For more details on Meningitis, GP registration and other health matters, please visit the health section of the Student Services website or pick up a Healthful Pack from the Students Services office at your college. For further info about NHS services visit the NHS web site at You can find information about local dentist practices, etc. at this site.

First Aid

We do not provide first aid products to residents. We recommend you bring your own first aid kit with you to halls.


Residents can register with a dentist upon their arrival at the hall. Please speak with a member of staff about where your local dentist is located or visit this website In an emergency, residents should contact Stockwell Group Practice (see above).