Meet your new committee members at Cordwainers

Posted 2 weeks ago

Get to know the committee members living in your hall!

We are so proud to introduce you to the new student halls committee members at Cordwainers Court for 2024/2025, Jason and Gayatri! 🏡

If you see the friendly and welcoming committee members around your hall, make sure you say hi and introduce yourself to them. 👋 

So you can get to know them better, we asked them to share with us a fun fact about themselves. Take a read below 👀

Cordwainers Committee Member 🫶🏽

Vaughn Gittin smiling for the camera

Jason Saffer (he/him) - Event Lead

"I have two large tortoises named Batman and Robin."

As an Event Lead, Jason will be responsible for creating and delivering weekly events for the students living in their halls 🎪📝

a woman wearing a hat

Gayatri Gundu (she/her) - Communications Lead

"I am a huge Swiftie, love meeting new people, travelling and I am a huge foodie and love trying new cuisines and cafes/restaurants. I like to be planned but I have my moments when I do spontaneous things. I crack really bad dad jokes but I believe I am pretty good at making people laugh!"

As a Communications Lead, Gayatri will be responsible for creating and delivering promotional and marketing campaigns around the halls for the weekly events that take place for the students. 🗣️🤳

If you are looking for further information about Cordwainers, be sure to download your personalized UAL Halls Guide.