Essential building advice and regulations
Posted 1 year ago
Sat 01 Jul, 2023 12:07 PM
Make sure you're aware of our Essential building facts
Moving into UAL Halls is a huge adventure and we know that you'll create some amazing memories whilst you're with us.
However, it's important to make sure you're aware of our Essential building facts. It is vital for you to read through the following to make sure we all work together to create a safe and happy environment.
🫂 Visitors and Overnight Guests
All students must ensure they follow the UAL guest policy in place. The policy is outlined in your tenancy agreement. Please ensure you read this document so you are aware of the agreement you have signed.
The usual guest policy means that between 10am and 10pm you can have 2 guests at any one time visit you, either from another flat or 2 guests who do not currently live in the halls and you are allowed 1 overnight guest at any one time.
✍️ All guests must sign in and out at reception.
We encourage students to speak with guests before they arrive to ask them to follow the rules.
🔑 Keys
All keys are issued from your main reception. On arrival, you will be issued with a set of keys/fob/card giving you access to the site. If you lose your keys or lock yourself out please contact the main reception.
During office hours a member of staff will issue you with a replacement key. Outside of office hours, you will need to use your out of hours contact number (ask your Residence Manager if you haven't got this). You will then need to contact the reception staff during working hours to request a replacement key. Replacement keys will cost anything between £5 - £50. Please refer to your welcome guide for the exact amount.
♿️ Disabled Access
If you require disabled access, please speak in detail to your Residence Manager (if you haven't already) who will be able to go through the specific hall access requirements in detail.
📦 Storage Facilities
There is no additional storage available at UAL Halls. If you require extra storage, please speak with a member of the site team for information on local storage facilities.
♻️ Recycling
Green bins are available in every kitchen for recycling, which accepts glass, tin cans, plastic and paper waste. Residents will need to empty these themselves and special green recycling bins will be available on site. You will be told full details about the recycling process in your welcome talk. Please ask the staff at reception if you have any further queries.
🗑️ Rubbish
You need to empty your bins when they are full. This is vital to ensure that your communal areas are clean and the environment is in fair condition for everyone using the area. Please do not leave full bin bags stacked up in the kitchen in your bedroom or on landings. Full bin bags left out are a food source for vermin.
🛠️ Maintenance defects
In order to report a fault, please report it through your official maintenance reporting system. Full details are in your Halls guide. If you have any further queries, please speak directly with your Residence Manager at reception.
🔥 Heating and hot water
Your accommodation is fitted with wall mounted radiators which are controlled by a central Building Management System. Each radiator has its own thermostatic valve for adjusting the temperate when they are on. The hot water is fed from the central plant room on site.
🚗 Car Parking
There is no resident car parking available at any UAL Hall. We strongly recommend that residents with cars do not bring them to the hall as we are unable to provide on-site parking. London has a range of public transport which will enable you to travel throughout the city day and night.
If you do intend to bring a car with you, you will be required to park it in one of the neighboring roads; you will need to arrange a parking permit with the council. Please ask your Residence Manager for details on your local council.
For arrival and departure, weekend parking will be allowed for offloading and loading purposes only. You will be sent specific parking details about your hall in the lead up to your move-in day.
⚡️ Electricity Supply/Lighting
The power supply in the United Kingdom is 230Volts. Should you experience any problems with the electricity supply please contact a member of the halls team immediately. Please note that if you are found to be in possession of an unsafe electrical item, or an item that causes problems for the building’s power supply, then we reserve the right to remove this item from your room to a secure storage area. Items removed will be returned to residents at the end of the tenancy agreement.
🧺 Laundry
The laundry is located on the ground floor and contains adequate washers and dryers. Please keep the laundry clean and free from litter and report any damage or misuse to the machine provider who manages the laundry facilities. If you have any further queries please speak to the staff at reception. You must provide your own detergent.
🚨 Fire Alarms
The site has a fire alarm system, which makes a loud noise if it senses heat or smoke. There will be a regular test of the fire alarms. The alarm will sound for a few seconds and then stop. On this occasion and only this occasion, you do not need to evacuate. If the alarm continues for longer than a few seconds on a testing day, please leave the building and proceed to your assembly point as this may be a real fire.
🔥 Fire Drills
Fire drills are held once a term. You are required to co-operate and evacuate the building.
🪟 Windows
Restrictors are fitted to all windows and must not be tampered with or removed. If you are unsure of how to open and close the window, speak with a member of the site team who will be happy to assist. If any part of the window restrictor is found to have been tampered with or removed the resident(s) responsible will be charged for the repair or replacement of the broken items.
🐀 Vermin
Under no circumstances leave rubbish or food waste lying around. Food and rubbish left lying around often attract mice, rats, squirrels, birds, flies, etc.
If you do experience or see any vermin in the accommodation, then please report this to the site team immediately. UAL has a contract in place with a professional pest control company.
Upon notification of a sighting, we will respond immediately and call in the contractors. We aim to get our contractors on-site as soon as possible. We will then follow the recommendations given to us by the pest control contractors and you will be kept up to date with progress. We expect that you will follow all instructions given to you to help us eliminate the problem.
🚬 Smoking
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building so please only smoke outside in the designated clearly signed areas.
🐶 Pets
No pets are allowed.
🗣️ Noise/Nuisance
All residents and our neighbours should be able to enjoy their accommodation without harassment from others, or disturbance from noise or nuisance.
Please try to be aware of all the people around you and be extra considerate when playing audio, TV or radio, especially when others may be trying to study or sleep.
Residents are also responsible for the behaviour of their guests.
🛜 Internet access
All bedrooms have wireless internet service. This service is included in the price of your rental fee.
To log in for the first time you must connect to the wireless network and open your browser. A pop-up will open and invite you to create an account. Make a note of your account details in case you need to log in again.
😣 Complaints Procedure
During your time in UAL Halls should you have a complaint related to the service you receive from us then we would like to know about it so we can try and resolve this for you.
If you do want to tell us about something then please, in the first instance, come and speak to a member of the Residence team in person and we will do all we can to help.
However, if you have already spoken with us and are still not happy with the response you have received then you should also feel free to follow our complaints procedure. For full details of this procedure please speak with a member of staff who will be happy to provide this or get more details on how to submit a complaint.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our residence manager or email us at
We are also available via phone at 020 7 514 6240 and IM chat via our website (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm).