Be safe and savvy in halls

Posted 1 year ago

Moving to a big city can be daunting

But London is a great place to live.

However your personal safety is extremely important to us, so please be reminded of these tips or habits you should normalise into your routine:

In your hall:

  • Do not let anyone follow you into the building (commonly described as tailgating) unless they have their own key. 
  • Make sure that all guests are accompanied at all times. All residents have their own keys. 
  • Do not put yourself at risk by approaching anyone acting suspiciously.
  • Do not prop open flat doors. All doors must be closed when not in use. This is also important for fire safety. 
  • Always remember to lock your bedroom door when you're out or going to sleep. 

Out and about in London:

  • Stick to well-lit roads and avoid short cuts through areas that aren't well lit. A longer journey might take more time but could be safer in the long run. 
  • Keep your purse or wallet close to your body and don't carry too much cash.
  • Carry your laptops in a rucksack rather than a laptop bag so it cannot be easily seen.
  • Keep all valuables out of sight when out and about.
  • Report any incidents or suspicious activity to the police. Inform the police if any of your valuables are stolen or lost. Dial 101 for your nearest Police service or 999 in the event of an emergency.
  • Plan your route before you leave. See the Transport for London website.
  • Only use taxis or registered minicabs.
  • Try to avoid walking alone at night. Keep to well-lit main roads or grab a taxi if you are travelling long distances.

Be aware that the team on your site will endeavour to combat any issues that may arise and will work with the local police to make sure incidents are reported and the area is closely monitored.If you feel uncomfortable about any activity in or nearby the hall please report it immediately to your Hall Staff or Residence Manager. We are here to help.